

I’m an Air Force wife and mother whose currently taking a year off from work while my husband completes a one-year Dental residency in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Before moving to Vegas, I was a TV Anchor and Reporter in Columbia, SC and Augusta, GA


I’m using this year to figure out what I want out of life: to go back to news, stay at home or something in between.  My blog will focus on life, love and mainly my hobby: cooking.  I grew up learning how to cook Italian, but have developed a real love of modern southern food,  I have an obnoxious obsession with  garlic salt that I incorporate into most dishes.

As they say in the biz…”Stay Tuned”.

Proverbs 19:21

~Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.~



49 thoughts on “About

  1. I’ve enjoyed reading through your blog, Jillian, and appreciate your transparency on your not-so-proud stay-at-home mom post. Proverbs is a great place to turn for wisdom about that. Writing is something you can easily do from home, especially with a background in journalism. The blogging is a nice outlet, too. But those things will always be there. The young years with your little one(s) will truly be gone before you know it, and I know when you look back from the other side of motherhood on your decision to put your career as a news anchor on hold to be at home with them, you won’t regret that decision. By the way, where’d your husband go to dental school? My husband and I have two children in their second year of dental school in San Antonio now.


    • Thank You, Jennifer! I also really enjoyed your post on “Housekeeping Matters: 5 Habits that Help” it’s important to remember that there’s a higher purpose to life’s daily activities, no matter how small they seem. My husband went to Dental School in Augusta, Georgia. He hopes to do an orthodontic residency in San Antonio if the Air Force will let him! Best wishes to your kids in dental school, the second year is the hardest!


  2. Hi, Jillian – I am loving your blog. I also have young children and am currently staying at home – I do a bit of freelance journalism (print), as time allows. My husband graduated medical school in 2010 (at the age of 33) and is now in his fourth year of ENT residency – it’s a five year program. He is currently applying for one year fellowships in head and neck surgery and reconstruction. He is also in the Army Reserves Medical Corps. We seriously have a ton in common. Oh, and I think that you look amazing. I read about your journey towards increased health after your baby, and I commend you for your hard work and dedication to nutrition and exercise – and your willingness to keep a bit of wine in your diet! 😉 We are down the road, in New Mexico, as well. Take good care of you, your hubby and that precious little girl. Warm wishes, Shanna


  3. Found your blog after you started following mine- what a life change! I have made career changes myself, going from a teacher to a wedding planner, and back to teaching again when I got the itch to start up again. I look forward to reading more from you! Your blog looks beautiful. By the way, I was just in Vegas and ate a great restaurant called eat. Have you ever been?


    • Thanks for the follow…and the compliment on the blog…I feel like I have no idea what I’m doing sometimes! I haven’t been to eat, but I just looked up the reviews and we’re going to have to try it. I love finding good restaurants off of the strip. I try to buy organic when I can find it, great topic to blog about. I’m going to have to try those hummus burgers!


      • Thanks! Let me know what you think if you get to try it, it was seriously one of the best breakfasts I’ve ever had at a restaurant. Good coffee too! What is the availability of organic produce in Las Vegas? Do you have a Whole Foods or equivalent type store?


      • I will, we need a good breakfast place to take guests (you get a lot of them when you live in Vegas 🙂 when they’re in town. We do have a whole foods and fresh market, they are a little ways away from I live, though. Our local grocery store has lots of organic meat and veggies, they just don’t always have *every thing* I’m looking for. Take Care!


  4. I am glad to have found your blog thanks to your follow on mine. I am looking back on your stage of life, having raised two daughters and now enjoying having a couple of grandchildren. My wife and I lived in Las Vegas for two years – not my favorite place, but we enjoyed the friends we made while we worked there. My boss was retired USAF, and he took me to Nellis for a visit. I retired in 2011 to start traveling the world. I don’t miss working at a job or career one bit.

    Good luck in LV, and I will follow along with your stories. – Mike


    • Mike, thanks for checking my blog out. Your travel posts are incredible. When my husband is no longer a resident, I hope we can travel even more. We actually love living in Vegas, I love all of the outdoor stuff to do and having world renowned restaurants near by isn’t half bad either! But we are only stationed here a year, so we’re trying to soak it all in. It’s good to hear that you don’t miss work. The thing that gets me when I think about going back…is having to request vacation time…and I know there’s no way anyone will give me what the military gives my husband. So, for now, I’m just trying to enjoy. I’m excited to see where you’ll head to next, take care.


      • Let me know if you still love Vegas after Memorial Day. That is about when it hits 100 degrees every day. People always say, ‘It’s a dry heat.’ But I couldn’t handle it. You are right about great restaurants. My favorite was Viva Zapata, a Mexican place on the NE side of town. Fresh tortillas made while you watch! Mmm. 🙂


  5. You are just too adorable! I’m in the Charleston SC area, too bad I didn’t get a chance to watch you in Columbia while you were here! I do hope this year helps you find your path… I believe a little of everything is always a great option!! Looking forward to following you and your adventures!


  6. I love your blog and am excited to hear more 🙂 I, too, am a stay at home mom. I quit my job shortly after I had my son. It was nothing special I was just a cashier at lowes. Once I quit my job I discovered my new love, cooking. My son is now 2 and loves helping in the kitchen. It makes it so fun something special for him and I to do together. 🙂


  7. Dear Jillian, I can tell I am going to love your blog . . . the recipes look wonderful and we need more blogging voices like yours that are transparent, enthusiastic, warm & homey and with a tinge of wisdom and sophistication and humor. You are also fortunate that blogging can be used as a sort of means to document your little guy’s life . . . back in the dark ages when my son was a baby we did not have nearly the wealth of technology and easy resources to catalog photos, writing, etc. Lastly, you two have to be the cutest couple I’ve seen in a long time: happy blogging!!!


  8. Lovely blog! I am so excited to have found you! Thanks for the follow, by the way. 🙂 I can’t wait to see more of your posts. God bless you and guide as you figure out what to do in the future. Life can be so confusing. We just found out we are being transferred as a family to Arkansas. We currently live in Michigan, so it will be quite a change.

    ~Kloé ♥


  9. I am a new mom to a 5 month old and am really enjoying your blog. I have had some trouble adjusting to this huge life change called motherhood and taking time off from my career and being able to relate to someone else is great. Your tips on weight loss and exercise to traveling with baby have been so helpful. I would love to see more posts!


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